Your Success and Pass Rates

Drivewise School of Motoring has a solid pass rate well about the national average.

Compared to the national average you can see how well our pupils perform on test. This is due to a structured and professional learning programme that promotes safe and sensible driving - for life.

43-45% is the National Average Pass Rate
DRIVEWISE has achieved higher pass rates
So far this year  
75% Pass Rate!  
60% 1st Time Pass Rate!

According to the Driving Standards Agency, the current pass rate for ALL candidates attending the practical test is only 43 -45%. This statistic reflects the total number of people taking the test at any given time.

For candidates passing first time, it's even lower. It is likely that the first time pass rate is as low as 20-25%.

The Driving Standards Agency research shows that learners who have had about 45 hours professional tuition plus plenty of private practice (22 hrs), stand the best chance of passing.

Remember - if you're not getting it right all the time without
your instructor's help then you're not ready to take your test.

" Pete really made learning to drive enjoyable. He was helpful and friendly - it was more like being with a mate.

He made sure I was relaxed and got me used to do commentary driving which really made me switch on.

Cheers Pete - couldn't have done it without you!!

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